Episode 19: Tam Lin (Tune)
Episode 17: Tune - St Kilda Wedding
A rousing tune named after the island at the "edge of the world" and its (maybe) marriage traditions.
Episode 16: Musician - Joe Burke
Join me in celebrating the life of the recently passed, legendary accordion player, Joe Burke. An award winning musician that has left us an incredible catalogue of music and gave the gift of the tunes to generations of people. Thanks for the tunes Joe.
Photo credit: TradConnect.com
Episode 15: Interview - Rich Maxham (Luthier)
Episode 14: Tune - Father Dollard's
Episode 13: Song - Clare's Dragoons
Episode 12: Song - Nancy Spain
Episode 11: Tune - Calum's Road
Need help with your New Years goals? How about taking a page from the man who built a legendary road by himself, over treacherous terrain with nothing more than hand tools and determination? It now stands as a living testament to will power and a personal code of ethics that would not be deterred.
Calum MacLeod at 56, working on his road
Credit to www.dailymail.co.uk
Episode 10: Tune - the Wounded Hussar/CPT O'Kanes
A haunting tribute to Irish soldiers who served in foreign wars, this (maybe?) O’Carolyn piece has a twisty history that takes us all the way from the Sliabh Luachra region of Ireland to the banks of the rolling Danube in Austria.
Artistic advisor: J. Calvert Orem
Image by ben pook
Episode 9: Composer - Jerry Holland
Known for his personal kindness and warmth that manifested itself in his playing, lets take a look at this contemporary Cape Breton fiddler and composer.
artistic adviser: J. Calvert Orem
Episode 8: Tune - Wing Commander Donald Mackenzie
Episode 7: Song - Anach Cuan
In September 1828, a small boat was on its way to Galway from Anach Cuan. After a goat stomped a whole in the bottom, the boat sprang a leak and 30 people on board sank into the river merely a couple hundred yards from shore. The tale survives as a song and air as well as with a memorial dedicated to those who perished at the dock of Anach Cuan. Eventually made into a poem, the tale is one of devastating yet tangible loss.
The remains of the fated vessel, the caislean nua. credit to anglingcharts.com
Episode 6: Composer - Paddy Fahey
The living legend passed away recently. Lets take look at his life and work as a celebration of his music!
Episode 5: Tune - Farewell to Whisky
Episode 4: Tune - the Banshee (McMahon's Reel)
A session classic made famous by the Bothy band and countless others. Learn about the man who wrote it, the ghouls and fiends it’s named after, and hear a story about gallavanting in the small sea village in the Dingle Peninsula of Ireland!
James McMahon facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/451200488390889/
Artistic advisor: J. Calvert Orem
The Tune book. Note: The Salamanca is one of the tunes typically associated with the Banshee.
Episode 3: Composer - James Scott Skinner
One of the great composers of Scottish Folk music. The sometimes divisive figure was more than just a one trick pony, also claiming the title of Dance Master and expert fiddler. Hear about his life and times here!
Episode 2: Song - Lord Franklin
The unfortunate tale of the heroic arctic navigator and his fateful crew. A story of hardship and loss that has sustained through a wonderful English song.
Episode 1: Tune - King of the Faeries
Do you dare play it three times? Who was the Fairy King? This classic actually has lyrics and may go farther back then you think!
Fairy King, Finvara
The Wandering Bard podcast - intro
Lets take a moment to get to know each other, before we embark on our journey!