Here's an example of a song I wrote for a highest tier patron. My dear mother asked for a song about my son, to be given to my father. I used his first ultrasound throughout the song and the song is witten at the tempo of his first heart beat. There's also some clips throughout our doctors visits leading up to his birth.
I envisioned a giant library with stained glass windows and cobwebs in the corners. Its got light pouring in and a desk in the middle with a leather bound book open to the first page, thousands of books adorn shelves on every wall, scattered about on the floor even. Everyone comes through this room at some point. As we write the stories of our lives, we eventually become a book in the room. For a brief moment before we're born, we can read all the great tales of people who came before us, and Im asking my son to make sure his story is a good one for someone who might read his book someday.
There's lots Id do differently or would like to change about this one, each one is a learning process but as they say, "you're never finished, you just end up moving on to the next one!"